New Dartmouth High Band Director has same commitment to kids

This article appeared in the Dartmouth/Westport CRONICLE on October 21st by Curt Brown. To view the original article, please click here.

Ian Flint has succeeded the iconic Bill Kingsland

DARTMOUTH — The first time Ian Flint saw the Dartmouth High Marching Band was 1998 and he was a teenager in the Blue Ridge High School Marching Band in New Milford, Pennsylvania.

His high school didn’t have a football team, but it had a big-time, 120-member, competitive, marching band and that was how Flint first became acquainted with the Dartmouth High School Marching Band.

“I grew up watching the Dartmouth band. It’s a program I’ve always looked up to,” he said.

The following year in the spring of 1999, still a Pennsylvania high school student, Flint crossed paths with the DHS Indoor Percussive Unit at the World Championships in Dayton, Ohio.

“The level of excellence was so high. I’ve always wanted to be a part of something like that,” he said. “It has such a long-storied tradition.”

In 2006, Flint became part of DHS Marching Band program when he was named a system-wide brass instructor. He remained in that position until 2015 when he left to become the head band director at Bellows Free Academy Fairfax in Fairfax, Vermont.

And 22 years from when he first saw the Dartmouth band as a Pennsylvania teenager, Flint, now 39, replaced Bill Kingsland, who retired in June as the band’s director and the music director for Dartmouth Public Schools.

“For me, it is about continuing the tradition we have,” he said.

Superintendent of Schools Bonny Gifford said Flint is “a tremendous addition” to the Dartmouth music program.

“When I interviewed him I was impressed when he said he had his eye on this position for a long time. To prepare for a chance to be chosen he took a position in Vermont that would provide him with leadership experience. How many folks look so far ahead and do what is necessary to achieve their goals? He is enthusiastic, talented and well respected,” Gifford said in a statement.

It’s not an ideal time to take a band program under wing because of the pandemic, but Flint said he is focused on making this year as meaningful as possible for his students. “The students come first and they make it a great experience,” he said.

To say this year has been different is an understatement. Competitions are virtual. They are filmed at the stadium by DCTV and sent to the judges. The band season is half over and there have been no in-person concerts.

The woodwind and brass sections, the percussive and color guard don’t practice as one because of space limitations at the high school parking lot. The woodwind and brass sections practice 10 feet apart without masks. The percussive unit and color guard wear face coverings and are 6 feet apart. The shows are written specific for the spacing.


There will be no trip to MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, where the band will be going for its fifth consecutive national championship. There will be no New Bedford Veterans’ Day Parade where the band was one of the crowd favorites, proudly marching down William Street to the delight of spectators. There is no traveling at all this year.

But even though the competition has been virtual, the results have been the same — the percussive and wind and color guard are all undefeated, according to Flint.

Madison Bettencourt, a 17-year-old DHS senior member and tri-captain of the color guard, said this is not the senior year she envisioned because of the pandemic, but Flint’s positive attitude has made it as enjoyable as possible. Many schools have dropped band all together because of the virus.

Bettencourt, who has been in the band for 6 1/2 years, said Kingsland is “an icon” with the band and in Dartmouth and Flint was faced with the enormous challenge of organizing a band season because of the limitations caused by COVID-19. “He came in and showed he can fill Mr. Kingsland’s shoes because this was not an easy task for anyone,” she said.

Still, she remains excited about the band season, saying they are “making history” by rehearsing through the pandemic, which is “special” because it has never been done before.

Bettencourt said people are suffering and others have it far worst than the band because of COVID-19. “I’m trying to remember that,” she said.

She also wanted to give credit to her two other tri-captains on the color guard, Mia Paynton and Ryley Thatcher, who with her have tried to make this band season a great experience for the younger color guard members.

Flint credits the band members for the results. “They’re doing it for themselves. That’s why virtual works for us,” he said. “It worked out better than I ever could have imagined. I don’t see any difference in the motivation.”

He told the band their competitive scores reflect their rehearsals. “Nothing comes easy. It’s all about hard work,” he said. “From the first day, they were ready to go. Let’s be great. The results happen because of the rehearsals. You can’t play defense (in band competitions). You can only play offense.”

Flint said he can’t wait for the pandemic to be over and for things to return to normal.

“It works. It’s good. It’s positive. Let’s keep pushing ahead,” he said.

Workout with Tom Aungst

The full article can be found on Zildjian’s web site. For direct access to this article,  please click here.

We want to thank Zildjian for putting together this great WORKOUT episode featuring Tom Aungst, who runs through some exercises he does with the Dartmouth HS Drumline.

Not only does it show an awesome video, but it comes with a free PDF download of all the exercises the Dartmouth drumline does.


TOM AUNGST is the Director of Percussion at Dartmouth Public Schools in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. His job includes teaching percussion students at all levels of the program, from the beginners starting in 5th grade, to the middle and high school students. Mr. Aungst has been in the Dartmouth school system for the past 24 years. Under Tom’s direction, Dartmouth has participated in the WGI indoor percussion activity since 1998, capturing five World Class Percussion Championships (1998, 1999, 2008, 2009, 2014) and has consistently placed in the top three.

Mr. Aungst has also been involved in the drum corps activity for over 36 years. Tom has recently returned to The Cadets Drum & Bugle Corps as the Caption Head and Arranger for the 2017 season. He was formerly the Caption Head for Carolina Crown in 2015 and 2016. Mr. Aungst got his start in drum corps in the late 70’s by marching with the Reading Buccaneer’s all-age corps, winning two DCA World Championships in 1979 and 1980. In 1981 Tom became involved with The Cadets, first as a member from 1981-1984, then as the Percussion Arranger and Caption Head through 2008 and later returning as a consultant in 2013. While with the corps, Tom was involved with capturing nine championships and seven percussion awards. Mr. Aungst has always remained actively involved in the drum corps activity, recently writing for the Cadets2 corps in 2013, and working with various groups like the Blue Stars, Pacific Crest, Hawthorne Caballeros, and the Connecticut Hurricanes. Tom is a member of The Cadets, Drum Corps International and the WGI Halls of Fame.

Mr. Aungst is a graduate of West Chester University, where he received his Bachelor’s in Music Education and also has a Master’s in Jazz Performance from Rutgers University. Tom is a Vic Firth, Yamaha, Zildjian and Remo artist. He is also a proud father to Alan Aungst and Noah Aungst.

Color guard, band march on with in-person practices

This article appeared in the Dartmouth Week on August 21st by Kate Robinson. To view the original article, please click here.

While most teenagers spent their summer at the beach or escaping quarantine outdoors, kids in Dartmouth High’s marching band and color guard cut their breaks short to get back to practice via Zoom, Google classroom, and — in the past couple of weeks — in person.

On Aug. 20, nearly 50 students broken into groups by instrument could be found playing for three hours in a parking lot behind the high school. The wind instruments practiced in the afternoon, and the percussion and color guard practiced separately in the evening.

Students remain socially distant — six feet apart for regular instruments, and thirteen feet for wind instruments — and masks are required for all except those who need their breath to play.

This is the second week of in-person practice since the pandemic started — but some have been working virtually almost since school let out last March.

“I let them off for two weeks,” said percussion director Tom Aungst with a laugh. “These are really good kids.”

“It’s just nice to be back, because this is what the kids enjoy,” he said. “To get out here and be social, and play and drum and feel the energy, it’s really cool. Even for me.”

Aungst noted that every single one of his students attended his classes since March 13. “I had 100% attendance,” he said. “Indoor percussion competes at world championships — so they understand what it takes.”

“I was really impressed with their dedication and commitment,” he added. “I’m lucky.”

This year is also unusual because new band director Ian Flint took over from longtime director Bill Kingsland this spring.

Flint taught in Dartmouth for nine years and came back to take on the position after five years away. And with four national championships to the school’s name, he said, “We don’t want to lose momentum.”

“Some of the seniors here, I had five years ago,” he said, smiling under his mask. “The program’s evolved even in the five years I’ve been gone…It just keeps getting better.”

As for starting the job during a pandemic, he said, “It was a lot of planning.” But he credits his staff and the kids for pulling off the in-person practices.

“The kids, from day one, they took it super seriously,” he said. “They know if they don’t follow the guidelines, they’re not able to do this.”

“And they love this,” he added. “They take a lot of pride in it.”

As for the teachers, Flint noted, “We were so excited to teach again!”

“We’re lost without being in front of students and teaching them music,” he added. “This is our passion.”

Flint said that with the pandemic, this year will look a lot different. He’s already had to cut the number of hours kids can rehearse each day from nine hours to just three.

“We’ve reduced our rehearsal time to a third of what we would normally do,” he said, adding that due to the changes, they had to cut the show to half its normal runtime.

There will also be no in-person competitions. Instead, bands across the country will compose videos of their performances to send in to a virtual competition.

“We’ll film the show at the stadium, then submit it to the adjudicators,” Flint said. “It’s a little different.”

Senior Sergio Sao Marcos, who has played trombone in the marching band for four years, said that practices are going well.

“It’s just fun,” he said. “I like playing with friends.”

As for giving up part of his summer for the band, he added with a grin, “I don’t mind the heat.” 

The color guard has also started in-person practices in a field behind the school. Director Addison Kaeterle said that the kids are “just excited to be out of the house.”

He noted they also tried out a virtual platform over the summer, with students given level-based assignments to complete and submit videos for feedback, as well as virtual live practices and a weekly zoom catch-up.

“It was very different. I’ve never done such a thing before,” he laughed. “A lot of the kids actually came back a lot stronger with their skillset, because a lot of them took advantage of it.”

Color guard co-captains Ryley Thatcher and Mia Paynton said that everyone is happy to be back. 

“We’ve been in our houses since March now, so it’s good to be back and doing something,” said Paynton. As for the virtual experience, she said, “It’s weird when you’re still practicing but you’re not with everyone you’re used to being around.”

“I love that it feels like a family,” said Thatcher.

Community celebrates longtime music director with retirement parade

This article appeared in the Dartmouth Week on June 20th by Christopher Shea. To view the original article, please click here.

More than 100 cars — many decorated with streamers and signs — streamed through the Dartmouth High School parking lot on Saturday afternoon to celebrate the retirement of longtime Director of Music Bill Kingsland.

Kingsland has led the Dartmouth High School marching band to excellence for over a decade, helping them win multiple national championships, including the fourth consecutive win last year.

“He brought Dartmouth into the national spotlight, this is the least we can do for him,” Dartmouth School Music Association president Russ Benoit said. “Our kids are as successful as they are because of him.”

The rolling parade included past students and their families and co-workers, unbeknown to Kingsland, who said he was very surprised by the event put together by members of the community.

“I had no idea all these cars would come out just for me,” he said. “This was really great!”

According to Benoit, this parade was inspired by the senior graduation parade, as he and other DSMA members liked how people were able to celebrate in a socially distanced way. But online the graduation parade, this would happen around a more central location.

Originally, Kingsland was to be honored at the Spring Pops Concert, but that event was cancelled due to coronavirus concerns.

“As with everything else, it went the way of the dodo bird,” School Committee Member John Nunes said. “But I think this was a great way to send him out.”

As for how they got the outgoing music director to the school on a Saturday, Benoit said Kingsland’s son was responsible for that. 

He said that Kingsland was brought under the pretense that he would be helping his son look at a car, something. Instead, he was treated to, which he, only to see dozens of cars descend upon the school, something Benoit is glad people were able to keep secret.

“It’s a good thing BK’s not on Facebook,” Benoit joked.

As cars went by, many would briefly stop to quickly chat with Kingsland, while some others would play some music from their inst, with one group playing “Billboard March,” a song the group said was Kingsland’s favorite.

“Glad to see you’ve kept up with your practicing,” he joked to the car. 

As for his retirement, Kingsland said he plans to take the summer off, but added that he will continue to keep music in his life. 

Along with a potential job at the Symphony Music Shop on State Road, he said he will continue teaching part-time at UMass Dartmouth, where he has been part of the school’s music department since 1986. 

Kingsland will be replaced by former brass specialist for the district Ian Flint.

“As bad as things are, the schools will be in a good place to start the year this fall,” he said. “He’s a really nice guy.”

DSMA Executive Board 2020/2021 Results

Following the Annual DSMA Meeting on June 9, 2020, here are the results for the 2020/2021 DSMA Executive Board and Standing Committee Chairs, with terms beginning on July 1.


President Russ Benoit
Vice President Jen Heys
Recording Secretary Lissa Horan
Corresponding Secretary Amy Dion
Treasurer Yvette Nunes
Nominating Chair Laura Edgcomb
Ways and Means Chair Ann Lamere


Scholarship Sue Benoit
Publicity Stephanie Church
Concession Ken Richard
Gillette Sue Benoit
Uniforms Sue Benoit/Laura Edgcomb (Co-Chairs)
Internet / Website Erin Brunette

Congratulations to our new board members and committee chairs! We are very much looking forward to a successful 2020/2021 school year. 

DSMA Annual Meeting – June 9, 2020 (Zoom call)

Due to current social distancing guidelines, our annual meeting this year will be held as a Zoom call on June 9th at 7pm.

The final ballot for this year’s election has been sent out to all DSMA members, along with the link and login info for the Zoom meeting.

If you are a DSMA member and you did not receive the email with the ballot and Zoom information, please contact Sue Benoit.

Dartmouth High marching band readies for next season despite coronavirus

This article appeared in the May 10 edition of the Standard Times. To view the original article, please click here.

The award-winning Dartmouth High School marching band may be left temporarily silenced due to the COVID-19 outbreak, but its interest among students is not wavering.

With just under 120 students in the program, the town’s director of music and the high school’s band director William Kingsland says while student interest in the band and musical courses remains steady, the upcoming band season is uncertain.

“Obviously, school will not be back in session for the end of the year, so as much course requests as we have and with all the programs looking like we have good signups for the following year in the fall, all of it remains a little uncertain right now. The band does an ‘x’ amount of stuff during the summer and all of that is kind of contingent on the governor’s plans and however this plays out. As much as we’re trying to plan, we really don’t know exactly what dates we’re going to be able to get back to doing what we would do. And even if we do, are we going to be able to perform in large venues with lots of people? So, there’s a lot of unknowns right now,” Kingsland said.

With his retirement planned for the end of the fiscal year, Kingsland also expressed dissatisfaction with leaving so many unanswered questions to his current staff and newly hired band director Ian Flint. He said the challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent shutdowns include the loss of in-person, group practices meant to fine-tune the band’s marching and coordination during events, with over 100 individual moves planned for an average performance.

“It’s kind of frustrating for me because I’m leaving my current staff and the new director of music with more loose ends than I expected,” said Kingsland.

“Interestingly, the kids are still really great and the program looks good for next fall. But, the experience we can offer right now really isn’t what it would be. A lot of being in a band or a string orchestra or a chorus has to do with the interaction that students have with each other and the director and being able to do things together.”


Like all Dartmouth High School students, those involved with the band are continuing musical instrument classes online via Zoom, something Kingsland and Assistant Band and Percussion Director Tom Aungst say is helpful in allowing students to learn their instruments individually, but is ultimately ineffective in practicing as an entire band, chorus or orchestra.

Aungst, also a musical instrument teacher at DHS, says for both students and staff alike, it’s about moving forward and planning for the future, despite the restrictions currently in place due to COVID-19.

“We’re just trying to figure out a way to keep things moving for the kids and keep the interest there. We’ve been doing videos, so they’ll post videos of themselves playing. That’s something as far as hearing what they are doing, but as far as the movement, we have to get out there and do it,” Aungst said.

“This weekend we have a Zoom meeting discussing the marching band and we’re going to start to design the show. I think what we’re thinking is, ‘We’re moving ahead.’ I know its day-by-day as far as what the steps (to reopening) are, but we’re going ahead like we’re going to do this.”

Kingsland said that its not just the band’s overall performance that’s effected by the COVID-19 shutdowns. He explained that he’s noticed the emotional toll social distancing has taken on students, particularly those who look at the band and other performance classes as a way to connect with other students.

“I have a few students who are struggling just being at home and by themselves, and you can see it when you talk to them on Zoom, some kids just hardly want to get out of bed. It’s sad and its something the performance classes at the high school have always provided – they always had that connection for the kids to be part of something and be good at something, and that’s really important,” he said.

With Thursday’s news of this year’s Feast of the Blessed Sacrament being cancelled in New Bedford, the marching band’s season kickoff event follows suit. Typically viewed as the first performance that features the entire band – including new freshman students – the cancellation further delays the band’s progress in performing as a unit.

“I think we’re just going to have to be creative in how we do it. It’ll be different for us, but it’s where we’re at and we’re just going to have to pick up the pieces and move on in a positive way,” Aungst said.

Congratulations to new music director Ian Flint!

Congratulations are in order for Ian Flint, who was just named as the new Director of Music for the Dartmouth School System!

Mr. Flint will be taking over as the Director of Music from Bill Kingsland, who will be retiring after more than three decades as a music educator here in Dartmouth. Our school music department has seen unparalleled success under Mr. Kingsland, and we are confident that our students will continue to be in good hands.

Mr. Flint is very familiar with the Dartmouth schools, after spending a number of years here as the district-wide brass specialist. He worked with students in all grade levels, and assisted the high school program in a number of ways. He has spent the last few years working with the Bellows Free Academy in Fairfax, VT where he was named the 2018 Outstanding Teacher. Mr. Flint has also spent numerous years writing drill and design for various marching bands, percussion units, and drums corps around the country.

DSMA Nominations for 2020/2021 Now Open

DSMA members were emailed last week with nomination forms for the 2020/2021 Executive Board as well as committee positions. All members in good standing have been sent the nomination form that needs to be returned to Laura Edgcomb (, our Nominations Chair.

Any member in good standing is welcome to nominate themselves for any position listed on the nominations form.

As of right now, the following positions are open for 2020/2021, meaning the person currently in that role is not running for re-election, or the position is currently not held.

  • Corresponding Secretary
  • Publicity Chair
  • Properties Chair
  • Decorating Chair

Again, any DSMA member is good standing is welcome to nominate themselves for any position or committee chair. If you have any questions about the process, please email Laura Edgcomb ( and she will be happy to help.

To help our members learn more about all of the positions listed in our by-laws, here’s an easy to read breakdown of all positions in the DSMA!


1. The President runs DSMA meetings and is also a member of all committees (except for the Nominating Committee). The President also works together with the Director of Music to ensure the board and committees are working together to help properly support the program and students. Other duties include presenting information on fundraising efforts to the School Committee, arranging all travel and lodging for the different groups throughout the year, communicating with various group directors on budget, uniform, and prop/equipment requests, and working with families to help ensure their students are getting the most out of the Dartmouth music programs.

2. The Vice President helps to coordinate volunteers and chaperones for all events, including weekly competitions as well as the annual fall and winter home shows. The Vice President will also perform the duties of the President if they are unable to.

3. The Recording Secretary keeps the records and minutes of DSMA meetings throughout the year.

4. The Corresponding Secretary communicates with DSMA members and families to provide program information and updates. Communication is primarily done via email and includes updates to the families and students from music staff, weekly itineraries, notices of upcoming meetings and more. The Corresponding Secretary also maintains the DSMA membership list and helps coordinate membership renewals as well as new member signups. 

5. The Treasurer handles all of the financials for the DSMA. This includes organizing student trip payments, monies collected at competitions, football games and concerts, and working with the various music groups to make sure their items are paid for (including costumes, props, etc.). The Treasurer will also work with the DSMA’s accountant to prepare required financial disclosure forms periodically throughout the year. The position mostly utilizes Quickbooks to enter and report financial data for the DSMA.

6. The Nominating Chair is responsible for the annual nominations and membership voting for elected DSMA positions. This includes putting together the nominations form, working with the Corresponding Secretary to send notice of elections out to DSMA membership, and organizing member voting at the annual meeting in June to elect new board members.

7. The Ways & Means Chair organizes all of the fundraising for the DSMA. This includes working with vendors to arrange fundraisers, organizing community help for raffle table items, communicating fundraising information to the music staff and families, and providing student fundraising assessment information to the DSMA Treasurer. 


1. Publicity: The work of this committee is to coordinate all outside publicity for the DSMA, which includes working with local media outlets to promote the music groups, upcoming concerts, notable events and more.

2. Decorating: The work of this committee is to decorate for the concerts, programs, dances and other events of the DSMA as needed.

3. Scholarship: The work of this committee is to award DSMA scholarships to qualifying seniors each year. The Scholarship Committee also plans and organizes the annual Pops Concert, which is a fundraiser for the DSMA Scholarship Fund.

4. Uniforms: The work of this committee is to distribute, collect and maintain uniforms. They will also keep accurate records and with the appointed staff member, inspect and enforce proper uniform maintenance prior to each performance. Uniform committee members may also be called upon to assist with emergency uniform fit or repair issues prior to performances.

5. Properties: The work of this committee is to keep an inventory of and maintain all of the equipment and property of the Association. This includes updating maintenance records for DSMA vehicles, arranging rental trucks for long-distance competitions, coordinating repairs to DSMA-maintained concession properties, and more.

6. Concessions: The work of this committee is to staff and maintain the concession stands operated by the Association. This includes ordering food from vendors, organizing menus, and arranging volunteers to work at the concession stands for football games and competitions. This committee also helps organize concessions activities at our home shows as well as the annual Pops Concert.

7. Website: The work of this committee is to update and maintain the DSMA web page (, update the DSMA Facebook page with upcoming events, competition scores, staff updates and more, and to maintain the public DSMA events sign currently located outside of Town Hall.

8. Gillette: The work of this committee is to coordinate DSMA volunteers for all shifts at our food service stand at Gillette Stadium. This includes arranging the schedule and volunteer lists with Gillette staff, communicating upcoming events that require staffing with band membership, sending event details to volunteers, and working with the Treasurer to tabulate Gillette earnings and student assessments. 

DSMA Parents Helping Make Masks For Community Healthcare Providers

With the cancellation of the remaining indoor percussion and guard seasons due to COVID-19, our parents suddenly found themselves with a large amount of free time on their hands (likewise with our students!).

During this down time, one of our former DSMA board members and “sewing circle” parents Greg Jones decided he wanted to help our community by sewing some masks to help healthcare professionals who worried about running out of critical supplies.

Greg reached out to other parents who would have been working on costumes and they quickly began working together to make masks. All of their effort was recently recognized by the Dartmouth Week newspaper, and the article can be read at this link.

THANK YOU to Greg, Lisa Perry, and all of our parents for stepping up to help out!!