
Fundraising is an integral part of the successful school music programs here in Dartmouth. With the combined help of our membership, students, parents, family, friends, and businesses, we all work together to support the variety of music programs of the Dartmouth School Community.

The DSMA strives to hold a wide variety of fundraising events every year to help support our students, some of which provide assessments towards each student’s account. Many of our groups will travel for competitions and performances, and travel fees are a part of each student’s participation. Fundraising helps to drastically offset those costs, and we firmly believe that no student should be excluded from participation due to financial hardships. Support from our community, families, and alumni help all students participate in these enriching musical pursuits. Fundraising and direct donations from sponsors and supporters are a large part of helping to keep our nationally-recognized programs running at the level our students deserve.

To learn more about fundraising efforts within the DSMA, such as the various funds that fundraisers go to, as well as assessment opportunities, we encourage you to read our info sheets on Fund Raising and Assessments, as well as Fundraising – Where The Money Goes

If you would like to help support the Dartmouth School Music Association, tax-deductible donations are kindly accepted. You can quickly and easily donate to the DSMA online by clicking the button below.

You can also opt to send a check to:

Dartmouth School Music Association
PO Box 80019
Dartmouth, MA 02748-0019

The DSMA extends our thanks to all who help support our music programs!

Gillette Stadium – Foxboro, MA

We are always looking for people to help us work at our stand during events at Gillette Stadium, including Patriots and Revolution games, concerts, and more! Our Gillette stand is our largest fundraiser and generates in excess of $35,000 for our music programs. These funds help pay for our world-class marching band & indoor staff, equipment, our trucks that our students require to compete, and much much more!

Make a fun day of it while earning money for your students and for the Dartmouth music program. This is the largest assessment-based fundraiser we run!

To learn more about volunteering at Gillette Stadium, and to sign up for a shift (or two or three), please visit our Gillette page!

october 2024

Deck the Halls! The Annual Wreath Fundraiser is back!
All orders must be returned by TBA. Delivery will be on Saturday November TBA.
Download order form.

Gift Card Calendar Fundraiser

November Gift Card Calendar to help support the Music Program. There are some awesome gift card prizes!

For $10 your name goes into this November Calendar Raffle. Each day of November you have a chance to win that day’s gift card. You have 30 chances of winning. And there is no limitation on the amount of times a person might win!!


October 3: Fan Pledge kick off!

Dartmouth Band family, friends, and fans, as we begin an exciting marching season, one of the most important things that we do is raise money for our program.

Donate here:

The money we raise from this event will help us supplement travel, props, clinicians, scholarships, and allow us to provide the best experience possible for the students in our band program. We really appreciate your support and donation to our band program! Don’t forget to help spread the word on Social Media about our fundraiser by sharing it with your friends.

DSMA Scholarship Ad Book!

  • Ads for October 19 Home Show are due October 3.

All proceeds from the selling of the Ad Book go directly to the DSMA Scholarship Fund. You earn 25% of the ad price for your child’s assessment account that can be put towards the cost of trips (MetLife in November). The remaining 75% of the ad price goes to the Scholarship Fund. Get the full details.