
It takes over $125,000 annually to support our school musicians and allow them to perform at the highest levels. The satisfaction of successfully travelling around the country to compete and perform cannot be duplicated. The dedication required from our students to consistently achieve success helps build strong, self-confident adults.

Supporting our students involves many different factors, including providing financial assistance. Uniforms, instruments, and props must be purchased, built, and maintained every year. The Dartmouth School Music Association owns a tractor-trailer as well as a box truck to transport instruments, flags, and props to various performances and parades from Massachusetts to Ohio and beyond. These vehicles need to be maintained to provide safe transport for all the equipment our students need to perform their shows. 

The DSMA also pays entrance fees to competitions, stipends to the instructors who help teach our kids, funds additional transportation to competitions outside of the northeast, provides meals and snacks to our students, help pay for costumes, and so much more. 

Would you like your business to be associated with an organization that has SUPPORTED the US Bands National Champion the past SIX years in a row, and WGI Scholastic finalists over the last 20 years?

Local businesses who would like to support our students and music program can now elect to sponsor our groups for one calendar year. Your tax-deductible contributions will help enable us to provide the funds needed to support our kids. Sponsorship benefits can include:

  • Company logo on Spring and Fall show T-shirts
  • Company logo on tractor-trailers and box trucks
  • Company logo & link on our websites
  • Ads in our bi-annual program book
  • Acknowledgment at home shows, concerts, and competitions

Interested in being a corporate sponsor for the 2024 season?

Download the form here  and submit it to a student securing sponsorship or mail the form with payment by January 15, 2024:

Dartmouth School Music Association
PO Box 80019
Dartmouth, MA 02748-0019

In-kind services may also be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Rachel Hutson with any questions or for more information.

THANK YOU to our 2023 sponsors!


Dartmouth Friends of the Elderly