DSMA Executive Board 2020/2021 Results

Following the Annual DSMA Meeting on June 9, 2020, here are the results for the 2020/2021 DSMA Executive Board and Standing Committee Chairs, with terms beginning on July 1.


President Russ Benoit
Vice President Jen Heys
Recording Secretary Lissa Horan
Corresponding Secretary Amy Dion
Treasurer Yvette Nunes
Nominating Chair Laura Edgcomb
Ways and Means Chair Ann Lamere


Scholarship Sue Benoit
Publicity Stephanie Church
Concession Ken Richard
Gillette Sue Benoit
Uniforms Sue Benoit/Laura Edgcomb (Co-Chairs)
Internet / Website Erin Brunette

Congratulations to our new board members and committee chairs! We are very much looking forward to a successful 2020/2021 school year.