Hello DSMA Members,
As we approach the end of the DSMA fiscal year and our June 7th Annual meeting, it is time to hold Board elections!
All DSMA members were emailed information about nominating themselves for our elected board positions or volunteer chairperson roles. If you are a DSMA member in good standing and you did not receive the email, please contact our Nominating Chair Laura Edgcomb (lauraedgcombdsma@gmail.com).
The rules of the election will be as follows:
1. No candidate may run for more than one office.
2. All candidates must submit their names in writing on the nomination form before their names can be placed on the ballot.
3. Nomination from the floor for any office can ONLY be made if there is no nominee on the ballot as described in Article XII, Section 3.
4. Election and installation of officers shall be conducted at the Annual Meeting.
5. All ballots will be secured by the out-going nominating committee, held for 30 days and then must be destroyed.
6. No candidate is allowed to count votes.
A preliminary ballot will be posted and shared with membership 20 days prior to the election. All DSMA members in good standing are welcome to nominate themselves for any board or committee position.
Please follow this link to see our organization’s bylaws which contain a description of each board and committee position. Any questions about the nomination form or the process can be sent to lauraedgcombdsma@gmail.com or to Russ Benoit at russbenoit@dsmahome.org. Please see the DSMA Home page for additional contact information.