Ads for Oct 23 Home Show Ad book due Oct 1

Missed the Ad Book Deadline?
If you missed the ad book deadline for the first home show, additional ads will be accepted for the second Home Show Ad Book. 

The deadline for the second run of the Ad Book will be October 1.  (All ads already submitted will be in both books).

As a reminder:

We are asking that all ads be submitted digitally this year. You can either create the ad using your favorite app or I have templates for Google Drawings linked below. We also have a how-to video for using Google Drawings. If you are using your own app please make sure you use the dimensions listed below.

Steps to submit your ad:

  1. Fill out the Ad Book Order Form (a print version will be in the packet)
  2. Create your ad (see links below for templates and samples)
  3. Email your ad to
  4. Pay online (cash/check can be put in a labeled envelope in the DSMA box located in the DHS music office)

Ad price and size:

  • Full page $100, 8.5″ x 11″
  • Half page $50, 8.5” x 5.25”
  • Quarter page $30, 4” x 5.25”
  • Business card $25
  • Sponsor name $10 



The itinerary for this week’s rehearsals and performances can be viewed below and downloaded here. It has been posted to the BAND app, and our online calendar has been updated as well.

Please be sure to read the itinerary for information on arrival/pickup times and student uniform guidelines. Any questions about uniform criteria should be directed to the appropriate staff member for their section (Winds – Mr Flint, Percussion – Mr Aungst, Guard – Addison). 

Itinerary for week of Sept 6, 2021

The itinerary for this week’s rehearsals and performances can be viewed below and downloaded here. It has been posted to the BAND app, and our online calendar has been updated as well.

Please be sure to read the itinerary for information on arrival/pickup times and student uniform guidelines. Any questions about uniform criteria should be directed to the appropriate staff member for their section (Winds – Mr Flint, Percussion – Mr Aungst, Guard – Addison). 

DSMA Scholarship Ad – Due Sept 13

It is time for the DSMA Scholarship Ad Book! We have 2 home shows this year and the first one is October 2. You will still be getting the packet with all the information at the yearly BBQ on Thursday, August 26.

All proceeds from the selling of the Ad Book go directly to the DSMA Scholarship Fund. You earn 25% of the ad price for your child’s assessment account that can be put towards the cost of trips (MetLife in November). The remaining 75% of the ad price goes to the Scholarship Fund. Placing an ad in the Ad Book is one of the requirements to be eligible for a scholarship. It can be any size/price ad. Students need to participate for 3 years, one of those being senior year

ull page DSMA ad book sample
Sample full page ad


We are asking that all ads be submitted digitally this year. You can either create the ad using your favorite app or I have templates for Google Drawings linked below. We also have a how-to video for using Google Drawings. If you are using your own app please make sure you use the dimensions listed below.

Steps to submit your ad:

  1. Fill out the Ad Book Order Form (a print version will be in the packet)
  2. Create your ad (see links below for templates and samples)
  3. Email your ad to
  4. Pay online (cash/check can be put in a labeled envelope in the DSMA box located in the DHS music office)

Ad price and size:

  • Full page $100, 8.5″ x 11″
  • Half page $50, 8.5” x 5.25”
  • Quarter page $30, 4” x 5.25”
  • Business card $25
  • Sponsor name $10 


We are planning on a number of exciting fundraisers this coming year to help replace all of the funds that we weren’t able to raise over the past year. In the meantime, Gillette still remains the largest fundraiser we have, and will play a big part in helping pay for props, additional costume fees, truck maintenance, and more this year.

A giant THANK YOU to: Mr. Flint, Mr. Nunes, Addison & Chloe, who have all signed up for shifts to help raise money for our students.

Our entire schedule is available to sign up for, please visit to sign up for a shift. Remember – if every family signs up for just 2 shifts over the entire year, our whole schedule would be fully staffed. This not only raises a lot of money, but also qualifies us for additional bonuses we don’t get if we under staff the booth.

Questions about volunteering? Please contact Sue Benoit at