Itinerary for week of Oct 15 – US Bands Somerset, CT show tickets, and more!


This week’s itinerary was emailed out to all band and guard families, and can also be found by clicking this link. We have a football game on Friday, and a US Bands competition in Somerset on Saturday.

CT Regional tickets for sale

The DSMA has tickets for both upcoming Connecticut US Bands regional events- 10/27 in New Britain, and 11/03 in Danbury. Tickets are $15 each, and you will save $5 by purchasing them through the DSMA. We ask that if you plan on going, that you buy the tickets in advance as we are required to sell 90 tickets for the New Britain show. Tickets will be available during pickup at the end of every Tuesday and Thursday rehearsal, please see Russ Benoit to purchase them, or pick them up if you purchase them online.

Uniform care

Our marching band members are wearing white uniforms and white shoes, and they can become dirty quickly. It is extremely important that the uniform pants be cleaned and ironed before every competition! As the season starts to reach it’s most important shows, every little thing counts. Please have your student remove their uniform from the bag after every competition to wash it, and also clean their white shoes. 

THANK YOU Parents!

The DSMA would like to thank all of the parents who have stepped up to volunteer at our football games, chaperone competitions, and help with props and pit equipment. It’s on us as parents to ensure everything is taken care of behind the scenes, so our students can confidently take the field and put on the best show they’re capable of. If you would like to volunteer to help with equipment or chaperone any of the remaining competitions, please email Russ Benoit