With BAND CAMP upon us, the DSMA would like to remind everyone of the following, just like the Scouts it is always best to BE PREPARED! Here is a list of things to bring while at camp:
Plenty of WATER
A hat to shield the sun
Sidewalk chalk to mark your spacing dots on the parking lot
Please RETURN your shorts!
Food and HEALTHY snacks, limit sugary items
Marching Band and Percussion Students MUST bring in the following uniform items:
ALL Uniform parts including Shako, green and white pants, jacket, gauntlet and plume!
Sue Benoit will be at the practice the following days/times to review uniforms, please make every effort to have your student meet with Sue during the following times:
1 hour before each practice: 11:00 – 12:00 and at each break: 1:00-2:00 and 5:00-6:00
Seniors: Monday
Sophomores/Juniors: Tuesday
Freshman/Sophomores: Wednesday
NEW Members: Thursday (and the following Monday if needed)
For NEW members without uniforms, uniform sign outs will take place at the upcoming BBQ.
Sue needs help at any/all of these times so if you are interested in pitching in please contact Sue and let her know – she will greatly appreciate any assistance and it’s a great chance to meet some of the kids and other parents. She can be contacted at suebenoitdsma@gmail.com
Tim Enos is heading up Prop Construction once again this year and anyone with an interest in assisting him are welcome to join him next Saturday, August 18th between 9-5 on the side of the high school. People with any skill level can assist as there are many things to do that help make the props the success they have always been. Any questions can be sent to Tim at timenosdsma@gmail.com
Please consider signing up for a Gillette spot for August 16th. We are currently in need of 9 more people to fill out our roster. This important program is responsible for raising over $30,000 every year, money that directly supports the Marching Band program at the school, it is also a great way for families to offset the various costs involved in participation. Tracy can be reached at tracynapertdsma@gmail.com
The DSMA would like to welcome the parents of our new band students and give them a chance to meet each other in an informal setting over light refreshments. This will give everyone a chance to say hello, ask questions about the program and put names to faces of the DSMA board, committee people and other new parents. The meet and greet will be this Monday, 7:30 at the High School. Feel free to stop in any time after 7:30, before picking your child up from camp.
That about covers it for now, thank you for your help making the upcoming Marching Band another success!
-Greg Jones, Corresponding Secretary gregjones@dsmahome.org