Last season, a number of families asked the board if we could consider using the BAND app as a way to communicate updates & info. After researching the app and speaking with other marching bands who are using it, we have created our own DHS Marching Band & Color Guard BAND app for everyone to use!
The BAND app is private and secure – only people who have an invite can join. We will still use email & Facebook to help get messages out, however the BAND app will provide instant updates to our families directly to their phones. It also provides a single place to find calendars, itineraries, competition directions, fundraiser & volunteer updates, and more. The BAND app can be used on either your phone or a computer, based on your own preferences.
To see how our friends right down Rt 195 are successfully using the BAND app, take a quick look at this quick video about how the Somerset-Berkley Marching Band uses it.
All families of our 2018-2019 students should have received an email with instructions on how to install the DHS BAND App. If you have any questions about installing or using the BAND App, please contact for assistance.