DSMA Brick Pizzeria Fundraiser
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 4 – 9 PM
We have teamed up with Brick Pizzeria Napoletana for a delicious fundraiser! Stop by for dinner and $2.00 of every pizza purchased with be donated back to the DSMA. Please make sure to mention you are with the DSMA at checkout.
Where: Brick Pizzeria Napoletana 634 State Rd. Dartmouth MA
When: Wednesday, April 21st
Time: 4 – 9 PM
If you have any questions please email Ann Lamere or call 774-365-2678
DSMA Scholarship Golf Tournament – May 1st
Saturday May 1st, 2021
The DSMA Scholarship Golf Tournament benefits the scholarship fund for students in the music program. The event will be held in a scramble format, and we will also be offering a buffet dinner after the event for those that want to support our program but don’t golf! We will have raffle prizes, 50/50 and more, with all proceeds going to our Scholarship Fund.
Where: Allendale Country Club
When: Saturday, May 1st, 2021
Time: 1 PM
Price: $110/person Dinner and Golf or $30/person Dinner only. Corporate hole sponsorships are also available for $100.
For more information or to sign up for a foursome (singles and smaller groups welcome as well!) or hole sponsorship, please view the flyer or contact: Sue Benoit. All signups and checks due by April 20th, 2021
Panera Fundraiser – March 13th
Saturday March 13th from 4 – 8 PM
Help support Dartmouth School Music Association
Order online at panerabread.com and enter code PRFUND at checkout. You can also bring this flyer or show a digital version to the cashier when ordering at the cafe to ensure your organization gets a portion of the proceeds.
Where: 84 N Dartmouth Mall Drive, North Dartmouth, MA 02747
When: Saturday March 13th
From 4 PM – 8 PM
Dartmouth High Holiday Band Concert
** NEW ** Dartmouth Logo clothing
Get your new Marching Band and Color Guard Logo clothing here! Order Now and show your DARTMOUTH spirit sporting some NEW great Logo gear!
Make checks payable to: DSMA.
Click here to view the Color Guard order form. Click here to view the Marching Band order form.
Christmas Tree Fundraiser!
Nov. 28 – 29, 2020 9 am – 5 pm
Lawrence Family Greenhouses is once again helping out our music students with a Black Friday Weekend Christmas Tree sale! Head on over to the Lawrence Family Greenhouses 679 Hathaway Rd. New Bedford and let them know you’re there to help support the DSMA, and a portion of your sale will be donated to help our program.

DSMA Commemorative Ad Book
Now through Friday, Nov. 20, 2020!
The scholarship committee would like to celebrate the 2020 virtual fall competition season with a commemorative ad book. The book features each fall competing group and includes the ads previously purchased.
The books are $5.00 each. All proceeds go into the scholarship fund that directly supports eligible seniors continuing their education beyond high school. We are asking you to preorder your ad book. All orders are due by Friday 11/20. The books will be ready the week after Thanksgiving.
To preorder your ad bookPaying online:
- Use the online DSMA payment page
- Under the Fundraiser section, it says “Scholarship Fund-ad book”
- Enter the number of books and the student’s name
Paying with cash or check:
- Use the Google Form
- Fill out the form
- Put the payment in an envelope labeled with your child’s name and “DSMA AD BOOK”
- If at the high school your child can put in in the DSMA box located in the music office. If at the middle school your child can give the payment to a band teacher
Silly Socks
Nov. 30 – Dec 14, 2020
Be on the lookout for our silly socks! This fundraiser will run from Monday, November 30 through Monday, December 14, and is the perfect way to find gifts for that “hard to shop for” person on your list. We’ll share a link to the online store where you can view and buy all the available socks, which will be shipped to your home.
Gift Card Raffle
In the absence of holiday concerts when we usually have our Lottery Tree fundraiser, we will be holding an online raffle where you could win hundreds of dollars in gift cards to give your holiday shopping a huge boost! Last year’s fundraiser earned almost $2000 for our students, and we’re hoping to double that this year. Details to come!