Second Nationals Logo Clothing Order

Thank you to everyone who turned in their logo clothing orders -and so quickly!  All of the orders received by the deadline were placed the Saturday before Thanksgiving based on parent requests to have their logo clothing gear for the Holidays. Orders already placed will be available in time for the Holidays!

BUT…not to worry if you did not make the first deadline!  There will be a second Nationals Logo Clothing order so that you can show your spirit for our National Champions!

Please click this link to download and print the order form.

There is NEW gear with NEW styles and New items!  

Please make checks payable to:  DSMA.

All orders are due to the DSMA box in the music office or to Andrea Moniz at the DHS Holiday Concert by Thursday, December 19, 2019. 

If you have any questions please email Andrea Moniz

2019 Fall Logo Clothing & Show Shirt Order Forms

The order forms for our 2019 Fall Logo Clothing as well as the 2019 Fall Show Shirt are now online!

These forms were also emailed out to families this week. Please be sure to read each of them carefully for ordering instructions as well as the due date. Since all orders must be placed with the manufacturer at the same time, no late orders can be accepted. Thank you for your understanding!

All forms may be turned in at the annual End of Bandcamp Cookout on Thursday, August 22. Contact information for the parents who are in charge of the orders are on the forms, should you have any questions.

2019 Fall Show Shirt Order Form

2019 Marching Band Logo Clothing Order Form

2019 Color Guard Logo Clothing Order Form

These are also linked under the Parent Information page of this website, which can be found under the About section.

Here are some logo clothing examples!

2019 Indoor Percussion Logo Clothing order forms online

Order forms for 2019 Indoor Percussion logo clothing are now available!

Orders must be turned in by January 7, 2019 – NO EXCEPTIONS. You can pay for the orders online or by check when turning in the order form. If you pay online, you still need to turn in the order form for size and customization information. 

Any questions can be sent to 

2019 Indoor Pit Logo Clothing Order Form (click HERE to view sample clothing pictures)

2019 Indoor Dance Team Logo Clothing Order Form (click HERE to view sample clothing pictures)

2019 Indoor Percussion Logo Clothing Order Form (click HERE to view sample clothing pictures)

2019 Indoor Drumline Logo Clothing Order Form (click HERE to view sample clothing pictures)

Indoor logo clothing forms 2018

Students in the indoor programs were given forms to order logo clothing specific to their group or section. They have also been emailed out to families, and can be found using the links below. All order forms must be returned by February 10 to ensure your order is placed! If you have any questions, please contact Dove Furtado

Indoor Dance Team logo clothing order form

Indoor Drumline logo clothing order form

Indoor Percussion logo clothing order form

Indoor Pit logo clothing order form

Itinerary Week of Sept 18 (Blackstone show) + Logo Clothing

This week’s itinerary has been emailed out to all marching band and colorguard parents. You can also download the PDF which includes rehearsal times, warmup/performance times, directions, and show lineup by clicking HERE.

We have also added a logo clothing order form for T-shirts (short and long sleeve) as well as hoodies. It can be found on the Parent Information page, which you can reach by clicking HERE. You can also find the order form for warmup jackets, pants, and duffle bags there also. 

All logo clothing orders MUST BE RETURNED by October 3. If you have any questions, please email DSMA President Lisa Perry