DSMA updates and info on affected concerts, events, trips etc.

This season has been an unprecedented one for the DSMA and all of the students in the programs we support. Our kids are the first and foremost thing on all of our minds right now, given recent cancellations and postponements due to COVID-19, along with the uncertainty about the remainder of the school year. Our thoughts are also with our families, many of whom may be faced with uncertainty with work and the health of their loved ones. We’ve come to know so many of you over the years, and we hope that we are all able to pull through this safely.

Given the cancellation of the DSMA meeting this month, and not knowing when we’ll be able to reschedule it, we wanted to send everyone an update on what we know has taken place so far with the music groups in the schools.

Here are the concerts and events that we know right now have been canceled:
The WGI season (no trips to Dayton, OH)
The NESBA indoor season (no NESBA Finals at Dartmouth High School on April 4)
The Band and Orchestra Play-In
Junior Districts

Here’s what we know is (or expect to be) postponed:
The Annual Pops Concert at Dartmouth High School that was set for March 12
The Night of Percussion that was set for April 3
Feature Night on April 8 is expected to be postponed
The Earth Day Parade on April 22 may be postponed

Here is what is still tentatively scheduled:
The middle school trip to Six Flags in May
The Spring concerts at all of our schools

All of our events are at the discretion of the Dartmouth School Department, and we will be following their guidance on rescheduling (or canceling) events with the music department once school resumes. We are also currently working on the plan to refund families who are affected by trip cancellations. Right now we’re in contact with all of the hotels, bus companies, airlines, etc to get our deposits and pre-payments returned. We hope to have information for everyone within the next few weeks, and we thank you for your patience.

This school year started out with many changes due to EEE concerns, and now we’re unfortunately seeing cancellations and postponements due to COVID-19. We are truly hopeful that the ongoing school suspension, and the social distancing it provides, keeps our kids, our extended staff and our families safe.

Having football games and our fall marching band competition start times rescheduled due to EEE resulted in smaller crowds, and subsequently much lower concessions sales (and gate sales at the home show) than most years. Additionally, the cancellations and postponements right now due to the coronavirus, unfortunately, will have a large impact on the DSMA as a whole. This also extends to our fundraiser at Gillette Stadium; our first shift was tentatively scheduled for April 18 and that has been impacted as well with MLS pushing out the start of their season and the statewide ban on public gatherings. 

Going forward, once school is back in session and life has returned to a relatively normal our plan is to come up with some additional ways we can make sure our students and our programs are taken care of for next year. This may include additional fundraisers or special performances, if possible. One thing is for sure – we need to make sure that BK gets the recognition he deserves before he retires for everything he’s done for our students over his long and storied career here in Dartmouth!

As a registered non-profit organization, our bylaws require us to send out nomination papers in April for DSMA executive board and committee positions for the following year. Understandably, there may be far more important issues and concerns still at hand next month. Once we get closer to that timeframe, we will reevaluate our calendar and make an appropriate decision that is best for everyone. Likewise with the scholarship applications for our qualifying seniors – our scholarship committee is already reviewing how they can ensure our kids are taken care of, no matter what. Once school resumes, we’ll be able to take a better look along with the music staff at what needs to be done to make up for lost concerts & events, and hopefully, many of the tentative events will still be able to go on or be rescheduled.

Our students are amazing. There’s no other way to put it. They practice at home, show up to long rehearsals at school, juggle music classes with all of their other studies, many of them take lessons with outside instructors or take part in other performance groups… they never cease to impress our teachers, staff, parents, and volunteers with how hard they work. As parent volunteers, it’s always a joy to watch our kids start the year and grow as performers and as people throughout the season. While this year may not be ending in the way many of them desired, we truly hope that in the not-so-distant future, many of our students look back on this year fondly and remember the fun they had, the friendships they made, and the adventures they shared.

If you have questions, concerns, or ideas – we want to hear from you. Please feel free to contact any of us and we would love to speak with you about the ways that we can continue to support the music and performing arts programs here in Dartmouth during this unprecedented time. And most importantly – be well, and stay safe.


The Dartmouth School Music Association Executive Board


We have been receiving a lot of questions about upcoming events, concerts, competitions, etc. that involve the music programs so we wanted to post an update here for everyone. The following is what we know about how things stand for our various school music groups:

-The WGI season has been cancelled, so our varsity colorguard and our indoor percussion group will not be travelling to Dayton, OH.
-The NESBA season has been cancelled, so both of our color guards as well as our indoor percussion group will not be competing for the remainder of this year. This means we will also not be hosting NESBA Finals at Dartmouth High School in April, as we normally do.
-The Annual Pops Concert at Dartmouth High School, featuring our choruses, orchestra, jazz band and concert band, has been postponed indefinitely. As of right now, there is no revised date scheduled.
-The Band and Orchestra Play-In has been cancelled.
-Junior Districts has been cancelled.
-Our annual Night of Percussion is tentatively scheduled for it’s original date of April 3, however that may change based on conditions leading up to the event.
-Feature Night on April 8 is tentatively scheduled to go on as planned (subject to change).
-The Earth Day Parade on April 22 is tentatively scheduled to go on as planned (subject to change).
-The middle school trip to Six Flags is currently still planned to go on, as it is scheduled for late May. Should things change between now and then, we will be sure to update everyone.
-The Spring concerts at all of our schools are still planned to go on as planned, but are subject to change should conditions dictate.

For families affected by cancellations involving trips, we will have info on refunds/credits within the next few weeks, as we are working with all of the vendors, hotels, travel companies, airlines, etc. to recover deposits and funds that were pre-paid to arrange travel or lodging.

Next week’s scheduled DSMA meeting may need to be postponed due the suspension of all after-school activities.

Throughout all of this, our kids have been AMAZING. They are disappointed and upset, and rightfully so. We are doing everything we can to support them and recognize all of the hard work they’ve put into practice, rehearsals, balancing music with schoolwork… we are very lucky to have such wonderful students to support, and a caring music staff that is dedicated to their students.

We will provide more info and updates to families as it comes in. THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us, and our students, during this unprecedented time.

Dartmouth band wins 4th consecutive national championship

This article originally appeared in the November 11, 2019 edition of the Standard Times. To read the original article, please click here. 

It was a perfect night.

The Dartmouth High School Marching Band won its fourth consecutive national championships in the U.S. Band Association’s Open Group V competition Saturday night at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J.

They tied for the highest score ever recorded by any band in the circuit with a score of 98.575, set in 2008.

And they did it at their band director, Bill Kingsland’s, final show as he is retiring in June.

Russ Benoit, president of Dartmouth School Music Association, the band’s support group, was at the championships and said there were some anxious moments until the final scores were read. They knew Dartmouth did well. They didn’t know how well.

Southington, Ct., High School came in second with a score of 95.375; followed by Passaic, N.J., High School, 95.175; and Trumbull, Ct., High School, 95.150, according to the Youth Education in the Arts website.

“When they announced the second place winners, we knew the kids had won,” Benoit said. “When they said, 98 (DHS’s final score of 98.575), we were completely blown away with how high the score was.”

Benoit’s son Jacob, an eighth grader, is in band’s drum line. His daughter was in the band and is now going to college.

“It’s such an honor to see it. We know how hard they work,” he said. “It was such a wonderful evening.”

Dartmouth parents poured out of the stands and hugged and celebrated with their children, he said. Later, they carried the huge trophy to bus.

“It was truly an amazing sight,” he said.

The fact that it was Kingsland’s last show was on on everyone’s mind, Benoit said. “They wanted to win it for ‘BK.’ (Kingsland’s nickname). They wanted to do it for him,” Benoit said.

“They wanted to show him how much love and respect they have for him by putting on the best show possible.”

The name of this year’s show was “The Witching Hour,” he said.

The band and color guard enjoyed some rest and relaxation Sunday and received a hero’s welcome with an escort by the police and fire departments with sirens blaring from Interstate 195 where they met the buses to Dartmouth High School.

On Monday, they marched in New Bedford’s Veterans Day Parade.

“That will be the last one for me,” Kingsland said of the U.S. Bands competition when he spoke with a reporter outside New Bedford’s main library following Monday’s parade. “It was good, really good. Good for the kids, good for the town.”

The band had to fight through the cold Saturday night on the field of MetLife Stadium and remain focused on their music and routines, he said. He offered special thanks to Tom Aungst, Mike Rayner, Tyler Kingsland, his son, and Addison Kaeterle, for their help this year.

Marching Band Itinerary Week of 9/9/19 (Randolph show)

This week’s marching band itinerary has been sent home with students and also emailed out to families. You can also find a copy of the itinerary by clicking this link.

Reminder!! This week’s football game is now 4pm. High school students will shuttle to DMS to change and warm up before pre-game. Students will eat in shifts during the game, so please make sure they have money (all students eat at half price). NO ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce etc will be allowed while in uniform!


2019 Fall Logo Clothing & Show Shirt Order Forms

The order forms for our 2019 Fall Logo Clothing as well as the 2019 Fall Show Shirt are now online!

These forms were also emailed out to families this week. Please be sure to read each of them carefully for ordering instructions as well as the due date. Since all orders must be placed with the manufacturer at the same time, no late orders can be accepted. Thank you for your understanding!

All forms may be turned in at the annual End of Bandcamp Cookout on Thursday, August 22. Contact information for the parents who are in charge of the orders are on the forms, should you have any questions.

2019 Fall Show Shirt Order Form

2019 Marching Band Logo Clothing Order Form

2019 Color Guard Logo Clothing Order Form

These are also linked under the Parent Information page of this website, which can be found under the About section.

Here are some logo clothing examples!

Percussion schedule – May/June 2019

Our percussion sections are already starting their preparations for marching band!

These rehearsals allow many of our new marching band percussion students to learn about the different sections and instruments, and helps prepare them for summer practices (both group and individual home practice). Drumline auditions are also held during this time.

For a complete list of rehearsal dates and times, please click this link to download and print the schedule. These dates are also on our online calendar, which you may sync your phone to as well.

The schedule concludes in June with the full parent meeting with the music staff. We look forward to seeing you then!

Congratulations to our back to back to back National Champion marching band!!!

This weekend the Dartmouth High School Marching Band & Colorguard won their THIRD US Bands Division V Championship in a row with a score of 98.075! 

Our kids truly represented Dartmouth with pride this weekend. Their performance was outstanding, and drew praise from many other schools (both students and instructors alike). On Sunday the kids all got a chance to have fun and relax at the Palisades Center in New York, where they navigated a 4 story ropes course, helped each other solve escape rooms, ice skated, shopped, and may have even caught a quick cat nap on one of many massage chairs in the mall. 

The DSMA would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to all of the parents, family members, and supporters who have helped to lend a hand this season. It was YOUR hard work that helped our students take the field every week safely, knowing that all they needed to do was to go out on the field and have fun. 

Congrats again to our hard working students on their well-earned championship!

Itinerary for 10/31 – 11/3 – football, Danbury show, & NESBA Finals

An updated itinerary for the remainder of the week went out today to all of our marching band & guard families, and can also be downloaded by clicking here. Here’s a quick rundown!

Football – the game originally scheduled for Friday has been moved to Thursday night at 7pm due to weather concerns. If you are available to volunteer in our concession stand, please email davemeatty@dsmahome.org!

Competitions – on Saturday our band & guard will be performing at US Bands regional championships in Danbury CT, and on Sunday we’ll be in Lawrence for NESBA finals. Performance times are listed on the itinerary, and tickets for Danbury are still available for $15 from the DSMA. Tickets will be available at the Thursday football game as well as during dropoff on Saturday morning. Due to some weather-related rescheduling, we had some chaperones who aren’t able to help on Sunday so if you have a CORI on file and you would like to help chaperone NESBA Finals, please email russbenoit@dsmahome.org.

MetLife meeting – the plan is to have a parent meeting on Tuesday November 6, time TBD to go over US Bands Nationals at MetLife. We’ll also have a representative on-hand to go over the upcoming mattress fundraiser and the company will donate $10 for every family that attends the meeting! 

Finally, we wanted to extend our thanks to all of the parents who traveled with the band to New Britain on Tuesday, or met us in the lot there to help out with the props and pit. Due to the mid-week show, an extremely rare occurrence, we did not have a number of staff and parents available to build our trees and help move our pit equipment. Our kids, our staff, and the DSMA board greatly appreciate you taking the time to help make sure our kids had a successful show!

Tuesday 10/30 update – middle school uniforms, instruments, and more

Here are a few more updates with info on the timeline tomorrow for the special event taping, and the rescheduled New Britain competition.

-After rehearsal this afternoon, the truck will be loaded with the pit instruments, and instrument cases. Students will take their instrument directly on the bus tomorrow to the event taping. High school students will help bring the instruments used by middle schoolers, so they don’t have to worry about bringing them on the bus to school tomorrow morning without a case.

-High schoolers should have their uniform bag with BOTH uniforms at the high school for the end of rehearsal today. Middle schoolers should bring their uniform bags to school with them tomorrow (Tuesday). They will change into their GREEN football uniform at DMS, and the buses will pick up all middle schoolers after leaving the high school, on the way to the special event taping.

-The DSMA still has tickets for sale for tomorrow night’s US Bands competition in CT. If you are planning on heading to the show, PLEASE purchase your tickets in advance from the DSMA for $15/each. Sue Benoit will be at rehearsal today from 4:40-5pm with tickets.