It is time for the DSMA Scholarship Ad Book!
All ads and order forms must be submitted digitally no later than Thursday, October 3. Payments can be made using the DSMA payment page, cash, or check. Please read the attached Ad Book Parent Letter for more information.
Remember you can ask your favorite businesses to place an ad!
All proceeds from the selling of the Ad Book go directly to the DSMA Scholarship Fund. You earn 25% of the ad price for your child’s assessment account which can be put towards the cost of music trips (New Jersey in November!). The remaining 75% of the ad price goes to the Scholarship Fund. Placing an ad in the Ad Book is one of the requirements to be eligible for a scholarship. It can be any size/price ad. Students need to participate for 3 years, one of those being senior year.

Steps to submit your ad:
- Fill out the Ad Book Order Form
- Create your ad
- Email your ad to
- Pay online (cash/check can be put in a labeled envelope in the DSMA box located in the DHS music office)
All ads are due by Thursday, October 3!!
Ad price and size
- Full page $100, 8.5″ x 11″
- Half page $50, 8.5” x 5.25”
- Quarter page $30, 4” x 5.25”
- Business card $25
- Sponsor name $10